Fix custom Google translation for Plus UI v2.6 template not using license key

Recently, the custom Google Translate utility integrated for the Plus UI v2.6 template without a license key has crashed because Google made some adjustments to the javascript and css.

If you use the Plus UI v2.6 template without javascript coding, download here need to fix the custom google translate error if you still use this function.

The steps to fix the custom Google translation error for the unencrypted Plus UI v2.6 template include 2 steps: fix css and fix javascript.

Step 1: Edit CSS.
Add the following css to the css section of google translate.
.goog-te-gadget-simple span, .VIpgJd-ZVi9od-ORHb-OEVmcd{display:none !important}
Step 2: Edit javascript.
In the javascript section "Lazyload your scripts & Template Settings" there is the following javascript:
null != qSel(".gTrans") && ldJs(baseUrl + '/lib/translate.js', 'gt-js', !0, "body",
Change it to the following.
null != qSel(".gTrans") && ldJs('', 'gt-js', !0, "body",
So the custom google translate function is working normally again.
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