Speedy Piki Premium Free Responsive Blogger Template

Template Details: Speedy template template is specially designed for speed. Enhancement very minimum gadgets is used like as megamenu and feature posts gadget that's by the loading speed is super fast.

You can use this template on your blog like any category related. It is well suitable the load more button is added and the sidebar is also with minimum feature widgets in footer section you can add your blog logo and social media icons.

This template has lazy loading effect on sidebar images sticky menu with more Optimisation. This template is responsive and AdSense, friendly please contact us if you are further facing any actual problem.

Speedy Piki Premium Free Responsive Blogger Template

All the shortcodes available in this template pre-installed by which you can use on your post and pages both as per your requirement download now and use on your blog and turn into a professional website.

Features:- Fast loading recent post on the homepage with a clean and elegant look. The template is faster loading full responsive design and browser compatibility.

Responsive:- Yes this template is Full responsive in all types of devices like tablet mobile and desktop. The template looks awesome clean and elegant look landing speed is faster.

Colors/Layout:- Go to layout then click on theme designer there are various automatic color changing font changing option is available to use on your website easily without any HTML coding. The layout is very simple to drag and drops with blogger simple LinkList gadget.


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